7 Ways to Prepare for Your Furnace Replacement

7 Ways to Prepare for Your Furnace Replacement

As a proud, family-owned business, Norris Air has been keeping homes warm and comfortable in Gilbert, AZ for years. When it comes to furnace replacement, we understand the importance of preparation for a smooth and efficient transition. Below, we offer our top furnace replacement tips to help you prepare for your furnace replacement with ease and confidence.

Understand the Signs of Furnace Failure

Before diving into the replacement process, it’s crucial to recognize when your furnace is beyond repair. Common signs include:

  • Increased energy bills despite normal usage
  • Frequent repairs in the last two years
  • Inconsistent temperatures throughout your home
  • Strange sounds or odors emanating from the system

Identifying these indicators early on can protect you from the discomfort of a complete furnace breakdown, especially during the colder months in Gilbert, AZ.

Choose the Right Replacement

Selecting a new furnace is a significant decision that impacts your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. Consider these factors:

  • Size: Ensure the new unit is correctly sized for your home to avoid efficiency issues.

  • Efficiency: Look for high-efficiency models to reduce energy consumption and costs.

  • Brand: Opt for reputable brands known for reliability and longevity.

  • Warranty: Check the warranty terms to protect your investment.

Our specialists are here to navigate you through the selection journey, guaranteeing you discover the ideal fit for your residence in Gilbert, AZ.

Schedule an Inspection

Before installation, it’s advisable to have your existing system and ductwork inspected. This step identifies any issues that could affect the new system’s performance, such as duct leaks or inadequate insulation. Norris Air offers comprehensive inspections to ensure your home is ready for a new furnace.

Clear the Area

Preparation is key to a smooth installation day. Ensure the area around your furnace is clear of personal items, furniture, and any flammable materials. This not only facilitates easier access for our technicians but also ensures the safety of your home and our team during the replacement process.

Consider Upgrading Your Thermostat

Upgrading to a smart thermostat can enhance the efficiency of your new furnace. Features like programmable settings and remote access allow for better temperature control and can lead to significant energy savings. Norris Air recommends considering this upgrade as part of your furnace replacement project in Gilbert, AZ.

Understand Financing and Incentives

Investing in a new furnace can be a significant financial decision. Our team offers various financing options and can help you explore available rebates and incentives for energy-efficient furnace models. This can help make the furnace replacement process more affordable for homeowners in Gilbert, AZ.

Prepare for the Installation Day

On the day of installation, ensure someone is home to greet the team. Keep pets in a safe area away from the work zone. Our professional and courteous technicians will handle the rest, ensuring a seamless and efficient installation process.

Elevating Home Comfort With Professional Furnace Replacement

By following these furnace replacement tips, you can prepare for your furnace replacement in Gilbert, AZ with confidence. Norris Air is dedicated to providing expert, family-owned service that keeps your home comfortable all year round. Trust us to guide you through every step of the furnace replacement process, ensuring your home’s warmth and comfort are restored efficiently and effectively.